BPI Real Estate shares its best practices with regards to environmental, social, and governance and aims to develop collective leadership in the real estate sector.
BPI Real Estate shares its best practices with regards to environmental, social, and governance and aims to develop collective leadership in the real estate sector.

BPI Real Estate shares its best practices with regards to environmental, social, and governance and aims to develop collective leadership in the real estate sector.

Click here to discover the complete report of 2023 ESG achievements.

BPI Real Estate, a pioneer in sustainable urban transition and part of the multidisciplinary CFE group, publishes its 2023 achievements and best practices in sustainable development for constructing buildings and cities with respect both planet and people.

With the purpose to inspire the sector to adopt concrete measures, this guide presents not only BPI's accomplishments in sustainability within its real estate projects but also its active engagement in industry working groups, such as the new ESG and taxonomy commission within UPSI, and the Low Carbon Building Initiative, a new pan-European low carbon label.

Jacques Lefèvre, CEO of BPI Real Estate: "We didn't just want to publish our sustainability indicators. To move our sector forward, we need to actively share our best practices. To inspire others, we need concrete examples."

Morgane Stok, Sustainability Officer at BPI Real Estate: "Over the years, we have built a team, passionate about sustainability. I hope the passion of our employees and their practical experience become clear in the cases we bring together in this report."

Five Main Axes

The five main axes of BPI’s approach to eco-responsible cities are: well-being, circularity, sustainability, mobility, and innovation.

Sandra Gottcheiner, Director of Development and Innovation at BPI Real Estate: "Our sector is going through a major transition, and we need a common language and a shared framework to guide our actions. These five axes cover a wide range of tools promoting the creation of urban environments beneficial to people and climate resilience. Our case studies show that success is within reach when we rethink our activities on this basis."

2023, a landmark

The year 2023 was marked by the move to two exemplary headquarters: Wooden in Luxembourg and Wood Hub in Belgium. These buildings push the boundaries of environmental impact and innovation. BPI Real Estate plans to continue this initiative with new initiatives of its sustainable practices in the coming years. The Kronos building, recently acquired in one of Luxembourg's main business districts and set to launch in 2025, will be particularly innovative in terms of sustainability ambitions and will feature in future publications.


Press contact

BPI Real Estate

Morgane Stok
- Sustainability Officer


About BPI Real Estate

BPI Real Estate is the real estate division of the multidisciplinary group CFE, founded in 1880 and active in Belgium, Luxembourg and Poland in 4 business lines with strong growth potential because they have the potential to shape the world of tomorrow: real estate design and development, multitechnics, construction and renovation and sustainable investments. With a wealth of expertise acquired over the past 35 years, BPI Real Estate's ambition is to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change in real estate development in order to deploy innovative, inclusive and eco-responsible urban planning aimed at increasing the well-being of future generations. BPI Real Estate develops this know-how in the residential, office, retail, services and special products sectors. 

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